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Different AI Models &
Assistants in single chat.

For Copywriters, E-commerce, Marketers,
Entrepreneurs, Students, Teachers and everyone

Image Generation

From Ideas to images in minutes

Develop your idea through iteration. Try different styles,
test different colors, and hone your prompt.

Image In Painting

Takes your photos to next level

Just a few words are enough to turn them into beautiful
images. A simple tool for everyone!

Qommunity wall

Inspiration Built In

Be inspired by our library of stunning imagery and
the prompts that made them.

Speech Generator

Voiceover recording from Text.

AI Voice brings words to life. Choose voices, languages,
adjust pace.

Making AI Simple and Accessible for Everyone

All AI tools in one place for half the price of a subscription.

ChatGpt Plus

$ 20


$ 22


$ 30


$ 20

$ 92

ChatGPT + ElevenLabs + Leonardo + Claude in a single platform

$ 9.99

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Read from our
satisfied customers.

These testimonials reflect our commitment to excellent
customer service and continuous improvement.


Azad Negi

Game Designer, Ubisoft

Qolaba Studio is saving me time in developing concept art for my gaming and architectural projects. It generates images faster than most other AI platforms, and the art type options and keywords are helpful for creating detailed prompts.



Project Manager

Qolaba Studio is an awesome platform for generating AI images with a simple, intuitive user interface. It was fun using it to generate cute images of baby Star Wars characters. They also have a chatbot with GPT-4, Claude, and Mistral, which is great for analysis and social media.



Music Director

Qolaba Studio allows you to create whatever is in your head. It expands your thinking and gives you more creative ideas to explore. The keywords have been really helpful in experimenting with new and unknown ideas.


Varun Mahajan

Business Owner, ATOZ Industries

Qolaba AI Studio is a fantastic combination of the best AI tools in the industry. I got the Qolaba pro plan for 20 USD, which includes ChatGPT-4, Claude, Dalle3, and Stable Diffusion, replacing my previous subscriptions that cost 40 USD a month.


Azad Negi

Game Designer, Ubisoft

Qolaba Studio is saving me time in developing concept art for my gaming and architectural projects. It generates images faster than most other AI platforms, and the art type options and keywords are helpful for creating detailed prompts.



Project Manager

Qolaba Studio is an awesome platform for generating AI images with a simple, intuitive user interface. It was fun using it to generate cute images of baby Star Wars characters. They also have a chatbot with GPT-4, Claude, and Mistral, which is great for analysis and social media.



Music Director

Qolaba Studio allows you to create whatever is in your head. It expands your thinking and gives you more creative ideas to explore. The keywords have been really helpful in experimenting with new and unknown ideas.


Varun Mahajan

Business Owner, ATOZ Industries

Qolaba AI Studio is a fantastic combination of the best AI tools in the industry. I got the Qolaba pro plan for 20 USD, which includes ChatGPT-4, Claude, Dalle3, and Stable Diffusion, replacing my previous subscriptions that cost 40 USD a month.


Azad Negi

Game Designer, Ubisoft

Qolaba Studio is saving me time in developing concept art for my gaming and architectural projects. It generates images faster than most other AI platforms, and the art type options and keywords are helpful for creating detailed prompts.



Project Manager

Qolaba Studio is an awesome platform for generating AI images with a simple, intuitive user interface. It was fun using it to generate cute images of baby Star Wars characters. They also have a chatbot with GPT-4, Claude, and Mistral, which is great for analysis and social media.



Music Director

Qolaba Studio allows you to create whatever is in your head. It expands your thinking and gives you more creative ideas to explore. The keywords have been really helpful in experimenting with new and unknown ideas.


Varun Mahajan

Business Owner, ATOZ Industries

Qolaba AI Studio is a fantastic combination of the best AI tools in the industry. I got the Qolaba pro plan for 20 USD, which includes ChatGPT-4, Claude, Dalle3, and Stable Diffusion, replacing my previous subscriptions that cost 40 USD a month.


Azad Negi

Game Designer, Ubisoft

Qolaba Studio is saving me time in developing concept art for my gaming and architectural projects. It generates images faster than most other AI platforms, and the art type options and keywords are helpful for creating detailed prompts.



Project Manager

Qolaba Studio is an awesome platform for generating AI images with a simple, intuitive user interface. It was fun using it to generate cute images of baby Star Wars characters. They also have a chatbot with GPT-4, Claude, and Mistral, which is great for analysis and social media.



Music Director

Qolaba Studio allows you to create whatever is in your head. It expands your thinking and gives you more creative ideas to explore. The keywords have been really helpful in experimenting with new and unknown ideas.


Varun Mahajan

Business Owner, ATOZ Industries

Qolaba AI Studio is a fantastic combination of the best AI tools in the industry. I got the Qolaba pro plan for 20 USD, which includes ChatGPT-4, Claude, Dalle3, and Stable Diffusion, replacing my previous subscriptions that cost 40 USD a month.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Qolaba AI Studio is a one-stop AI-powered content creation platform that offers a suite of AI powered tools under one roof. These AI tools include an Image Generators, Image Editors, Chatbots, and AI Voice Generator, to help users create stunning visuals, engaging conversations, and professional-quality voiceovers.

Qolaba AI Studio is designed for anyone who wants to give their content creation a Generative AI upgrade. Some of our prominent users include marketers, designers, content creators, educators, researchers, and business professionals who want to leverage the power of AI to create compelling content efficiently

With Qolaba AI Studio, you can create various types of content, such as images, graphics, text content, voiceovers, and more. The platform's tools can be used for marketing materials, social media posts, presentations, educational content, and creative projects.

No special skills or knowledge are required to use Qolaba AI Studio. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a simple interface and step-by-step guides to help you get started. However, a basic understanding of content creation principles can help you get the most out of the tools.

Qolaba AI Studio offers a free plan with limited access to features and a set amount of credits. To unlock the full potential of the platform, users can upgrade to a paid subscription or purchase additional credits as needed.

Qolaba AI Studio uses a credit system to allow users to access and use the various tools and features. Each action, such as generating an image or creating a voiceover, consumes a certain number of credits. Users can earn credits by completing tasks, participating in community events, or purchasing credit packages and subscriptions.

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